Details for beginners 2023

Details for beginners 2023

Fancy trying a new hobby for you and your dog. Ayrshire Dog Agility Club are holding a “Taster” Session on Sunday 26th March at their Training Ground within Fullarton Woods, Troon from 1pm till 3pm.

Dogs to be 9 months or over.

Dogs should have a Basic Obedience Level.

1. Wait.

2. Recall.

3. Happy to work off lead with Handler.

If you fancy coming along and finding out what Dog Agility involves, please contact

Lorraine Beaton 07759245960 for further details and to book your space.

Places need to be booked as limited numbers and cost is £10.00 for the session.



Annual Trophy Winners

What a fantastic year it has been. Congratulations to this years annual trophy winners! “The Marell Connell Memorial Cup” awarded to Jennifer and Nessa, ” The Drumadoon Dougal Shield for Best Beginner Handler” awarded to Barbara and Fergus, “The Ayrshire Club Member Shield” awarded to Sarita and Alfie and “The Golden Oldies Memorial Shield” awarded to Sarita, Alfie and Ralph.

Gabby and Kizzy

Congratulations to gabbyand kizzy. one of the biggest success stories in the club.  gabby joined the club as a jnr at age 14, and has trained kizzy her jack russell from scratch herself.

she started competing and has risen through the grades and is now at grade 6 with her little dog.this year at age 17  she  qualified for crufts  with the junior kennel club, and managed to complete a clear round at he huge competition.

kizzy has been a ‘challenge!!! at times, but gabby has stuck with it and we  at the club are hugely proud of her achievemnts to date.

we wish you continued success and know that you will both continue to shine.

lorraine & all at ayrshire agility club.